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MLS-MarieLaurenceStevigny collection of quality handmade leather accessories

Find your perfect leather accessory by browsing across the complete MLS-MarieLaurenceStevigny's collection. From the classy leather pocket to the travel wallet. Passing by extra-thin wallet, keychain, glasses case, and even pretty leather-covered notebook.

With the leather pockets to wear from MLS-MarieLaurenceStevigny you choose simplicity without aesthetic compromises. A pure minimalist way of enjoying your time. 
The Zip Maxi and Zip Medium, between a waist bag and a crossbody bag but thinner, keep your essentials always at reach. Accessible in a blink, your essentials are safe, close to you.
Thanks to the adjustable leather straps you can choose from a wide range of portés. Short, secretly hidden under your coat, or getting out time to time as a holster from a gangster movie. Over your coat, in a longer style. Or even by hand or in your pocket for the smaller size like the purse Zip Micro using the Cuff to secure it at your wrist or your belt.

More rigid and structured with the Pocket collection or free and polyvalent with the Zip collection, you stay organized in any case.

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