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The designer


Marie-Laurence Stévigny is a Belgian fashion accessory designer with more than 20 years of experience in fashion and luxury businesses.
"I spent the last 15 years running my own accessory design agency called MLSTUDIO Brussels with years of exciting, challenging, and creative collaborations with international leading global brands such as NIKE, GUERLAIN,  ASTON MARTIN, BENTLEY, SAMSONITE, LACOSTE, AGNELLE, ROCHAS..."

Opening of first own MARIELAURENCESTEVIGNY Pocket accessoires shop on 19 avenue Brugmann 1060 Brussels.
September 2024 Brussels commerce design award for the design concept of MLS Pocket shop by MLSTUDIO. 

Whole sale launch of MAR
IELAURENCESTEVIGNY Pocket accessoires in September 2019 at Premiere Classe Tuileries fair.

MLSTUDIO has been nominated in the Fashion category as "Best of Belgium 2017" by Paris Match & C’est du Belge (TV program).
MLSTUDIO won Who’s Next and Premiere Classe award in the Accessory category for her first collaboration “Marie Laurence Stevigny by Agnelle” bags and gloves collection which has been distributed since in premium stores in Japan, Italy, USA, France & Belgium.
MLSTUDIO won a Gold Fashion Award in Los Angeles at the IDA awards competition (International Design Awards) for a women’s glove collection designed for Agnelle.
And before
"Before starting MLSTUDIO, I acquired an international experience with deep and strong knowledge in designing and developing luxurious, premium men & women accessories with their proper DNA, being part of the NINA RICCI studio in Paris during 8 years and senior accessory designer within BILL AMBERG studio in London for 7 years".
Graduated from the Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne in Paris and Institut Bischoffsheim in Brussels I also studied Shoe Design at AFPIC in Paris and followed several creative workshops at Central St Martins College of Art and Design in London & MBA at Solvay business school.

MLS design vision
"Create simply beautiful, simply essential, simply familiar, simply rich, simply intimate and simply meaningful accessories."

Picture credit : Nathalie Gabay

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